Friday, June 29, 2007

my week... in a nutshell

let me sum up my week...

bought a house... yippee... we'll be living in Rio- closing August 6th

chris started his last week at associated

chris found out he can transfer closer to rio then his "new" job would be

chris goes to interview on wednesday

chris worries about letting down his "new" employer and weighs the benefits of staying with his current bank and decides he'd like to take a new route after all

FRIDAY- Chris decides to take the transfer and starts MONDAY!

so now, being Friday afternoon- we're packing up and moving to my parents for a month! (Three weeks sooner then originally planned.)

My little sister got a new puppy, Cappy -named after the Brewers pitcher! She's adorable but I was looking forward to having a lazy Saturday morning with her and our dogs but now I have to spend it packing. yucky. pretty sure that doesn't sound like much fun. so we'll see... maybe we'll just move our clothes this weekend and wait for everything else. who knows.

i'm very excited for chris to be able to stay with his job and i'm also very excited to be living in rio. i wish we could move right into our new house. our house doesn't feel like ours anymore and we don't have another one yet so it sort of feels like we're homeless. savanah is starting to feel the pressure too... she's not herself at all.

well i should get something productive done... lots to do and not lots of time!

Monday, June 18, 2007


we found a house... but someone else found it first. we really liked it and put in an offer only to find out they accepted someone else's. i feel mostly bad for chris because he really liked the house and was already planning where to put the furniture. there's another house we might go look at but it's so close to the railroad tracks. it won't bother me but it might bother him. poor guy... i feel bad for him.

we're moving to a storage unit for awhile until we can find a house. living out of storage sucks already and only half our house is there.

this is going to be a long process.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What's next??

well the house is sold. i'm both glad and scared. not sure what comes next. i guess a job for my husband would be nice. then a new house. maybe the baby carriage? no that's where i draw the line. chris has some jobs in mind and an interview set up for one this friday. we move in july. i'm gonna miss target 2 mins away, food everywhere, my lil sista and joey, but most of all i'm gonna miss quiet afternoons. right now no one pops in to visit. no one really visits for that matter. i liked it for awhile then got lonely but now i think i'll miss it. you know walking around naked and stuff. can't do that when mommy and mommy in law live near by. (i've never walked around my house naked but now i wish i had.)

i hate how my husband keeps going back and forth on buying a new house. yes he wants one. no he doesn't. he wants to live in town. in the country. in rio. in portage. i just want some guidelines to start looking.

lately i've been remembering my pre-21 days. ya know, drinking in fields, sneaking alcohol. gosh that's fun. i want a camp fire to sit around and drink beer and pass out on a sleeping bag under the stars. waking up freezing and hung over. chugging a mt dew and some pepto to get home by 7 am and not get in too much trouble. then there's the talking quiet and in code when everyone knows what you're talking about but for some reason it feels ok like that. i wanna be 19 for a weekend. 1 weekend. that's all i ask.

life is ok right now. really really ok.