Friday, July 13, 2007

gala garage sale

you may not know it but i was once a great actress. i acted in a short film produced by some dude in an exotic location... justin's driveway. i was 10, maybe 11. those days were great. the film was all about a garage sale. all i remember is it ended with my character putting a broken tennis racket over her husband's head and walking off stage left. or was it stage right? either way, it was up for an award, at the elementary school. we didn't win. i'm sure we lost out to some kid more popular. probably some current doctor or military man with great honor. i'm just an accountant. maybe i should have stuck to acting.

one week from today and i'll be heading south east to the great state of north carolina. (go heels) i can't wait. no one needs a vacation more then me. well at least not in my eyes right now. the drive may be tough, 18 hours in a car. eek. but there will be many laughs, many heart to hearts, and of course nibs. what's a road trip without nibs? i'm hoping to find some time this trip to get a sun burn, read 3-5 books, and laugh. a lot. there are great expectations on this trip for laughing. life in the real world is so damn serious. life on vacation best not be. it'll be fun to party with the girls one last time before they have to grow up and go to college and be real adults. well at least to appear to be real adults. pretty sure 3-4 of them will never really grow up on the inside, at least i hope not. whether they become lawyers or nurses or hell, bums on the side of the street, they'll go places. i just know it.

of course when i was 10 i thought i was going to be a great actress or an author at least. i'm 26. i'm an accountant.

does anyone read this thing? let's be honest. i feel like i can swear and write all kinds of mean things i don't mean right now because hell, no one will ever read it anyway. instead i'm going to go back to work.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


i'm at work... should be working... but i just don't wanna. it's the day before a holiday and i'd much rather be home in bed. or at the cafe eating hashbrowns with onions and cheese and maybe a ham sunrise. yum. but nope, i'm here wasting time and space even though the work is piling up. so what if my inbox is over flowing? not it. (that will forever remind me of living in whitewater... the not it rules of life.)

last night i went to a little circus deal-o in rio. it was amazing. there were cats, yes little house cats, horses, zebras, camels, llamas, and i think that was it. how exotic is a horse? i don't know but they were part of the exotic animal portion of the show. no lie. amanda and i were enjoying it more then the kids i think but that's ok. i have pictures but i haven't loaded them yet... circus pictures yet to come.

i need sleep. it's been a long weekend and it's gonna be an even longer week. yucky.

peace out.


my puppy and my sisters puppy love each other lots.

cappy, named after the brewer player dude... whom is hot... and she's cute so it works.

savanah named after well nothing but she's my dog and i love her just the same.