Tuesday, November 13, 2007

well, this weekend was full of ups and downs.

downs first...
my great aunt passed away after living 92 years. she was old but she was extremely healthy and she wouldn't give up. she caught pneumonia and it was just too much for her. my mom and her were VERY close and it'll be very hard on my mom, but we also understand she lived a good life and was suffering the last month of her life. it's for the better in the long run.

lost our basketball game... more to come on that in the ups

thursday (sort of the weekend) we were headed to the hospital to see my aunt and my dog ran away while i was waiting for my parents to come pick me up. a deer scared her in the woods and she came running home. it was funny but made me late. then we hit a deer while driving to the hospital and my mom's van is wrecked pretty bad.

i learned how to curl! yea, i know, i'm not 50 i shouldn't be curling yet but there were a lot of young people there... in face we almost lost to a team of 12 year olds. no lie. we had a ton of fun though and i only took one big fall. it was a great way to spend the weekend with chris, which i don't get to do very often

another up is part of the down. while spending 16 hours at the hospital after curling all day, i got to spend time with my sisters and parents. the 5 of us don't really do all that much together. there are times jenn and her family is around but hardly at the same time jamie is around and vice versa. we're all just very busy so it was nice to slow life down a bit and spend time together as a family. it meant a lot to my parents too, i know it did.

another monday isn't really a "weekend" last night my 5th grade girls basketball team had their first game. we lost 4-22 but that wasn't the point. we learned a lot and the girls had fun and they can't wait until their next game. i can't wait until our next practice so we can talk about the stuff that happened last night. there are a lot of naturally athletic kids in this group, i hope i can give them the tools to build their confidence.

my dad is closing on the sale of my grandpa's house today. my grandpa died a year ago in Aug and his house has been for sale since Feb with my dad footing the bill. he's been paying the mortgage, insurance, all the upkeep, utilities, etc on the house for over a year and finally it's sold. the stress that will lift off my parents shoulders is incredible. absolutely incredible.

that's my life in a nut shell these days.

Friday, November 2, 2007

This is my house!

This is the "office"

Living Room

The Den

The Kitchen

these pictures are before we were completely unpacked but you get the idea, right?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

i finally have some updated pictures i wanna post and blogger hates me. please understand.