Monday, September 28, 2009

ahhh... survived cranfest 09. i'd post all the wonderful pictures of the event, but i didn't take any. i wanted a picture of the four of us but no one would cooperate. Ok mainly amanda wouldn't but either way. it was a fun weekend and it was really nice to see the girls again.
distance makes the heart grow fonder or something on those lines... is very true. the longer i go between seeing them, the more i realize i missed them.

this coming weekend is my cousin's fiances' bachelorette party. should be a good time. i'm definitely looking forward to it.

other then that, i have an exam in biochem tomorrow and one in A&P on wednesday so i've been studying pretty hard today. weekends are my free time. no matter how much studying i SHOULD do, i don't. it's just a thing with me. no studying on weekends. it's how i roll.

well back to it. peace out.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I know I've been gone for awhile but I guess since no one reads this anyway... I wasn't in a hurry to make time to write.
School is in full force. I'm so busy and studying so hard that I can't even begin to imagine how I'm going to ever get through nursing school. However, at the same time, I am loving it. I really hope that I am able to not only pass all my classes but more importantly, I hope that I am a good nurse. I am excited to try!
Football season is also in full force. I love Badger football games. Scott and I went to the first three games and now I'm taking this weekend off. He's taking his good friend from college. It should be a good time. I won't be around so I hope they don't do anything too crazy! :)

My entire family went to a Badger game this year... well all except Tbird. He is only 5 so having him sit still for an entire football game was iffy. That and it's sort of expensive when my sister has to buy 5 tickets so she went for 4 this year.
Going back to Cranfest this weekend with the girlfriends. I can't wait. There are four of us going again this year and we got a hotel room so we can shop all day and then crash in the hot tub all night. It's been a long time since I've had a girls weekend so it should be fun. I am looking forward to it! No school work for 3 whole days!
Well I should get dressed and finish packing. Yes, I'm still alive if anyone was concerned.