Tuesday, October 30, 2007


ok, here's a quick catch up since it's been MONTHS (quite literally) since I wrote last. we're all settled in the new house. savanah loves the big yard and the woods behind us. she comes home with more scratches then i've ever seen on one dog, but she keeps going back for more. having to jump around all the retaining walls has kept her busy as well so she's been much calmer when she's inside. that's not to say she stays that way, whenever guests arrive, whether she's seen them a million times or for the first, she greets everyone with the same love and excitement.

chris is settled in with his new job. he loves his short commute. not sure if i mentioned this or not but he got a "new" truck. well a different truck awhile ago. it's big. it's a ford. and that's about all i know. i will have to take a picture or two to post. it's cute but i would have perferred an suv. he's loving being close to his parents/grandparents for hunting purposes. he got a small doe with his bow. it's earn a buck, so he had to get a dow to get a buck. i don't care for venision unless it's hot sticks or sausage so i'm fine with it if he doesn't get another. his dad and him spend lots of time "fixing" things that probably dont' need to be fixed. his mom has turned into our personal gardener and i'm loving that part of them being so close!

my life is crazy right now. i joined the rio athletic booster club. i'm the treasurer. i love it. i love crunching numbers and making reports and being able to help out whenever i can. we were a part of the homecoming parade this year which was fun. i love to see how excited kids get over candy. it's just sugar but even kids know the fun sugar can bring! the rio football team just completed the best season in rio history. no lie. they were the first ever team to win a play off game. they were taken out the next round but that's not to undermine the amazing efforts those boys put in. off to college for most of them, next year will be a struggle again. however... i hope they are proud of themselves. i am coaching again! FINALLY!!!!! i've missed being a part of basketball while we lived in janesville. i'm coaching 4th and 5th grade girls. they challenge me each and every practice. sometimes i come home and i want to cry and other nights i come home beaming with pride. i love to see them when they finally get something i've been saying. you can see the light bulb pop on and they finally get it. its' the most amazing feeling as a coach.

other then that we're just busy. we LOVE being close to friends again. in fact we have 7 weddings next year! chris and i will be a part of most of them which is both good and bad. we're very excited to celebrate with our friends and family but gosh that's adding up quick. they are pretty spread out though so that's good. we don't have to take out second jobs, well not yet anyway. i'm still waiting to hear the good news that my little sister is getting married... i'm hoping it'll be soon!!!

a couple weeks ago i went on a field trip with my nephew ryan to the apple orchard and crane foundation. spending the day with him was great. it almost made me which i had kids!!! this weekend Alex, my 11 year old neice, Ryan my nephew who is 7 and Tanner my nephew that is 3 will all be spending the night! i can't wait... i love them. we always end up cooking something and making lots of messes. sunday night i'm sure i'll be busy cleaning house but that's ok. it's so worth it.

well i should get back to work... thanks for letting me remind myself how happy i am we're back. back in R-10.

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