Wednesday, April 25, 2007


whoa. life is sort of flying by right now but nothing is happening. weird feeling. we have lots to do right now but there doesn't seem to be any time. story of my life... and probably everyone else's for that matter.

sell our house
buy a new house
find chris a job
chris finish school
chris continue to do well at current job
finish basement

like honestly... how do we do all that in one day. oh wait we don't. so we just push it off one more day. when is the last day gonna be here so we can cross some things off the list?

lately i've been a little down in the dumps. i feel so horrible for chris. he struggles to get everything done and make choices to better both our futures when all he really wants to do is sleep. this week he had an exam and tried to study between housework, showings, and working full time. he's such a strong person and i don't give him the credit he deserves sometimes. but in the mix of it all, i'm feeling alittle left out. i'm overwhelmed too but i just try to keep it to myself. not very wise, i know.

oh a lighter note... i've got ideas for three of the high school graduations i'll be celebrating this year. i can't believe the nasties are growing older. i can't say growing up because we all know they'll never do that. what's the point? right? i'm so excited to see them become independent and strong girls. love them. i'm sure i'll lose touch with them over the years and some of them may never talk to me after they leave R10 but i thank them for the many laughs and memories. i can't wait to spend the week with them at the beach this summer. they probably have no idea how much they've affected my life.

thanks girls!

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