Friday, August 17, 2007

i hate technology

so we finally got a home email account and of course... i messed it up some how. i tried to send our family our new address, email, and phone number along with 4 pictures of the new house and bam! it goes crazy. it sent the email 56 times. the same email. i did not hit send 56 times i swear to god. then what it sent made no sense... i don't get it. i hate computers.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

sick of being sick

since we got back from nc i've been sick. sort of on and off for three weeks now. it sucks. i feel ok for a couple hours then i get a pain in my side, feel like i could vomit, and often get light headed. not always does it all come at once and sometimes it lasts hours other times just mins. well it's annoying the heck out of me so i went to the doctor today. she had no idea what was wrong. mentioned my gall bladder and ovaries and said she wants to run more tests. and no, i'm not prego. so i go in thursday for 4 hours of "tests". i can hardly wait to sit in a hospital for 4 hours while people poke at me and ask me the same questions over and over again.

i was supposed to be going to ikea on thursday but nooooo i get to go to the hospital instead. i can hardly wait.

Monday, August 6, 2007

New House

we got all moved in this weekend. our stuff is in the new house. granted my mom seems to keep finding things we left behind, but for the most part, it's all there. we're not completely unpacked, but for the most part, things are good. i love the new house. it's so homey. it's got lots of rooms, no more open floor plan. i always thought i liked the open floor plan but now that i have it the other way, i like it this way, too. we have three bedrooms (last house had 4) but there is room for an office in the "living room" area so that's good. plus there is a 2nd "den" area that we're using at chris's living room. his video games and a smaller couch are out there. it's probably my favorite room in the house but he claimed it so i guess... i'll let him have it. i'll try to post some pictures when i get them loaded. i'm waiting to take pics of some of the rooms until they get completely unpacked. the living room has all the boxes of the stuff i don't know where to put. there is a spare bedroom with similar stuff in it. there is a lot more wall space so i'm excited for the Warren's Cranberry Festival to do some major shopping! i also have a day off work to go to ikea aug 16th to get some things there.

i think the move has by far been hardest on savanah. she's not sure what's hers and what's not and where she should lay down and what couches she can sleep on and which she can't get caught on. we've pretty much given up keeping her off furniture but we try to lay blankets down for her. she misses grandma A LOT! my mom does in home child care so when we were living there savanah got to play a lot and was seldom in her kennel at all. now we're gone all day and we don't have the place doggy-proofed yet so she has to stay in from 7:45-5:15 everyday. poor girl. we might take her to mom's a couple days a week... doggie daycare!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Funny Picture!

these are my nephews! this was after a wedding before the reception and my brother in law, husband, and sister's boyfriend were drinking beers and tossing them in the lawn to pick up later. the boys however were bored and decided they made fun musical instruments. however, this picture makes them look wasted! hilarious... i know. i promise, they didn't drink any beer!

I like this one too!

My Summer Rocks

Got back sunday from an AMAZING trip to the beach. i love north carolina. i love the ocean. i love beach houses. i love my friends. put it all together and that makes for a good time, i'm not gonna lie. this is a picture of the girls that went to the beach with me. this was the last morning we were there and it was sort of sad. i mean seriously, who knows when we'll be together again. hmmm, sad.
the last night there we decided it would be fun to go skinny dipping... or as the heaver folk of the world should call it, Chunkin Dunkin. yea, i'm fat, deal.
We had a blast though for real. i got fried the first day there but it went away quickly and i was able to hide under umbrellas on the beach and still read lots. i took lots of naps. drank a few beers (some how stayed semi-sober the whole week though and not once did i get drunk... amazing.) the girls were extremely entertaining and made me laugh lots, just as i had hoped for.

i can't believe it's over. i wanna go back!