Tuesday, August 14, 2007

sick of being sick

since we got back from nc i've been sick. sort of on and off for three weeks now. it sucks. i feel ok for a couple hours then i get a pain in my side, feel like i could vomit, and often get light headed. not always does it all come at once and sometimes it lasts hours other times just mins. well it's annoying the heck out of me so i went to the doctor today. she had no idea what was wrong. mentioned my gall bladder and ovaries and said she wants to run more tests. and no, i'm not prego. so i go in thursday for 4 hours of "tests". i can hardly wait to sit in a hospital for 4 hours while people poke at me and ask me the same questions over and over again.

i was supposed to be going to ikea on thursday but nooooo i get to go to the hospital instead. i can hardly wait.

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