Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Summer Rocks

Got back sunday from an AMAZING trip to the beach. i love north carolina. i love the ocean. i love beach houses. i love my friends. put it all together and that makes for a good time, i'm not gonna lie. this is a picture of the girls that went to the beach with me. this was the last morning we were there and it was sort of sad. i mean seriously, who knows when we'll be together again. hmmm, sad.
the last night there we decided it would be fun to go skinny dipping... or as the heaver folk of the world should call it, Chunkin Dunkin. yea, i'm fat, deal.
We had a blast though for real. i got fried the first day there but it went away quickly and i was able to hide under umbrellas on the beach and still read lots. i took lots of naps. drank a few beers (some how stayed semi-sober the whole week though and not once did i get drunk... amazing.) the girls were extremely entertaining and made me laugh lots, just as i had hoped for.

i can't believe it's over. i wanna go back!

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