Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm really behind on the "What's Happening" posts so I thought I'd do a quick catch up.

THANKSGIVING!!! I love it. One of the best times of the year. It doesn't stress people out like Christmas, it's not super commerical-ised (Is that a word) like Valentine's Day or St Patty's Day... it's just fun, family and food.

This year was my cousin's baby's first Christmas... She loved it I'm sure! I LOVE my grandma's food. This year all I ate was corn and mashed potatoes... I just ate A LOT of both.

I went to Thanksgiving lunch at my dad's family and then we did Thanksgiving dinner with my mom's family. (I ate turkey and other traditional food there but only because no one makes mashed potatoes like grandma... and the corn at grandma's is always frozen sweet corn with LOTS of butter and salt and pepper and oh my it's to die for.)
Anyway... after two BIG meals I went to a friend's house where we planned out our attack. See we started a tradition of Black Friday shopping. This year I didn't need anything. There was one thing Scott wanted me to pick up if we were able to but not the end of the world if I didn't get it. That's it. So the mall in the Dells opened at Midnight and then the stores in Madison started opening at 4 am. We got into attack mode. The guys entertained the kids... here is Jimmy playing Wii Mario Kart with Peirce... good work Jimmy.

We went through all the ads and made lists of who wanted what at each store. Then we figured out what times stores opened so we could hit them all as they were opening, avoid lines, and still get in and out.

And I think we succeeded. This was the back of the Tahoe... no third row seats either... this is straight packages. All by our feet and between the middle seat looked like this too. I think we had two or three more stops after this actually. This was just after our stop at Home Depot at 6am.

That night we had Bradley Family Fun Night. I didn't get my camera out but it was a blast!!! We played Skip-O and Apples to Apples. It was the first time Mr Wonderful met my entire family in one place at the same time. Two bro-in laws (Close enough Joey), two sistas, two nephews, a niece, mom, dad, me and Scott. It was a GOOD time! Lots of laughing and FUR is the Go To card in Apples to Apples... hahahahaha
My family is loud and we have fun and we laugh a lot more then the average family. We aren't sensor ed very well and we like to have a few beers and cocktails while we play games. Needless to say Scott was REALLY quiet compared to us.
Then Saturday night I went to Scott's parents house for dinner. His sister from MN was home with her fiance, his sister that isn't in my fan club and her family were there, his parents and us. It was so quiet. It was nice and I had a really good time, don't get me wrong, but it was almost culture shock in comparison to my family gatherings. His mom is so sweet and I love his dad, he's SO smart. His family is great... I love them all very much... even if that feeling isn't given to me in return. They are just very different from my family.
So that was Thanksgiving weekend. It was great to be home and I loved seeing everyone but it was also nice to be back in the land of just the three of us... oh and the cat went home with us and I think she liked to play with her cousin Mavrick. (The cat.) She's going home again for Christmas and has already started napping in her pet taxi... I think she's looking forward to it.

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