Thursday, June 25, 2009

I know I haven't been around much lately so here's a quick update...

We went to the Brewer game for Scott's birthday a few weeks ago and it was a blast. It was just him, his parents, and I. It wasn't a good game, they lost... which they have been doing a lot of lately... but it was still fun. Had a tasty hotdog and a couple beers. Gotta love the Brewers! A few days later my friend bought her first house. So the night before we decided it was a good idea to go out and celebrate. Boy were we wrong. We were both so hung over that we didn't get much done but shopping the day of her closing. She's been there for two weeks now I think and she's still painting. We really should have gotten more done that day. oops. Here's a picture of us with our friend Dave on the roof. yea, we climbed on a roof at like 3 am. Not the smartest three people you'll ever meet.
Father's Day weekend we went and watched my nephew play in a Little League tournament. I think his team ended up winning three games and losing two. Not bad. I was very proud of him. He has a lot of potential. Here he is in his uniform. He's so adorable.

That same night I had my 10 year class reunion. I graduated with a class of 30 people and i think 13 or so showed up. So I guess that's not too bad. A few people that had left before our senior year came back too which was cool. Scott came and I'm so glad he did. We always have so much fun. That night we stayed up until 5 am just talking. It was great.

Other then that I'm REALLY busy with school. I'm trying to get an A in my Chemistry class which has been proven to be so much harder then I first thought. I have a 94% in there and we're exactly half way through. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We have one exam a week for the next three weeks so I have to stay on top of my homework and what not.
I guess that's about it.
Peace out my homeys!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Yup, the old man gets older tomorrow! I'm trying to make his birthday more then just another day... I mean seriously, if it weren't for his birthday, he'd never have been born and if he hadn't ever been born, I may have spent my entire life being a poopy face lonely fat chick! :)

Last weekend we went out in my hometown. We went home for a birthday party for our friend's boys. They were 5 and 2 and they are SOOO cute! Scott's best friend came from the "big city" and he enjoyed meeting real life cowboy Dave. haha Dave has been a good friend of mine for YEARS. We went to elementary school together. He now lives with my ex-husband but I would guess him and I talk more then he talks to his roommate. :) Here are the three of them in the bar. Yea, for some reason they were drinking 16 oz beers...

I gave him all his birthday gifts Sunday night. 1. I hate waiting to give people gifts. I like to give them out as soon as I buy them. I bought these over a span of two months so that I could actually afford them so I've been waiting a LONG time. 2. He needed some of them before his actual birthday.

I got him this sweet Moliter jersey.

And a matching Brewers hat and sweatshirt!

I also hot him a Ping golf hat that I just gave to him when he picked it out like a month ago. (He needed it to golf already this year, not my fault.) And I also got him a 50 min massage for tomorrow morning. I got him one for Valentine's Day and he LOVED it so I thought it would be a fun way to relax on his actual birthday. Tonight we're going to the Brewer game so he'll get to wear his new gear. Then he has off tomorrow and Friday so he has his massage tomorrow and a day full of laziness. Friday we're going to do some garden work, put together a deck chair we got like two months ago that's just sitting in the garage, test drive vehicles, and then go out to dinner. (We would go out on his actual birthday but he wants to lay around all day and he doesn't want to have to "get ready" for anything. haha Instead I'm going to grill steaks, make baked tators and get him a Dairy Queen birthday cake!)

I love birthdays and I love Scott. Pretty sweet weekend coming up.
On a scary note... I have my first chemistry exam tomorrow morning. I'll be up late at the game tonight and then I have my exam first thing tomorrow morning. Eek!