Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here is Scott's nephew Cooper. He was over last Sunday helping with the gardening. It was a stressful day but this little dude didn't seem to notice. Gosh how good it would feel to be a kid again.

Here Scott and him are watering the front planter. I'm fairly certain Scott loves Cooper more then anyone else on this planet. (Including me.) :)
Ok so I am not a baker and in no way shape or form try to pretend to be one. However, Scott has won his football pool at work numerous times already and so they told him he has to bring in a treat. Well I took it upon myself to bake. Sure I could have got a kingle at the store or sent some donuts but nope... I did the "wifely" duty and baked for him.

Once i got started I remembered I don't own a rolling pin. So I used a vase instead. And at the last min I found a pumpkin cookie cutter that I forgot to use. That's how good of a baker I am.

I made there. They are supposed to look like pumpkins, mine just look like blobs of pumpkin pie filling. However... they are TASTY! I may or may not have sampled a few. I mean one. Yea I had one. ;)
I don't know how to flip this picture but this was the finished product. Yea, so they aren't SUPER cute or anything but dude, I don't bake, cut me some slack. It was actually REALLY fun and for some reason, I think I might make them again sometime. Gosh I'm an idiot for even thinking that.

Ok I guess I should get back to school work now. That was a fun distraction though! And a tasty one!

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