Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's been awhile since I've posted, sorry about that. Let's see, what happened in November?
Well here is Percy playing with Scott's Christmas gift. Because he is soooo not a rough and tough get dirty kind of boy... he thought having to snow blow was probably his only chance of ever owning Carhart bibs and jacket, so I bought him some for christmas. I had to have him try them on and pick them out so he got them like a month early. Ok a month and a half but who's counting?
Mid November was the last home Badger game of the season. We had a BLAST. I think there were like 12 of us tailgating. 5 of us didn't even go to the game. We didn't buy tickets, we just drank, ate, and laughed- A LOT to all three. It was great to see old friends... I love how there are some friends that no matter how long goes by since you've seen each other last, it feels like a couple days. That's Melissa. She's just that kind of friend.
One day in November the sun was shining and the temperature was rising, so Mr Wonderful got the wonderful idea of driving an hour north for Sonic. Yea we drove an hour for fast food. Laugh all you want, it was TASTY! On our way back we took a detour and we drove past scott's work. He's a production planner which, as I understand it, is a fancy way of saying he tells the people in the factories what to build and when.

The night before Thanksgiving we went to my parents and hung out with my niece and two nephews. Below is them weighing Scott's head. Long story but basically we learned Scott's head is empty. :)
Thanksgiving was good. Had lunch at my grandparents and saw lots of family. Then we went to "dessert" at Scott's aunt's and visited with all his family. That evening we sat around his parents table with his mom and older sister and just talked. It was so relaxing. Then Friday we had Bradley Family Fun Night. We made taco-ish stuff and all the fixings and then played board games all night. My family can make me laugh!!

So that's pretty much what we've been up to. That was November in a nutshell.

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