Wednesday, March 24, 2010

yup... i'm alive.

don't worry i don't just neglect my blog, i pretty much neglect everything lately.

school, neglected.

most wonderful boyfriend in the universe, neglected.

family, neglected.

friends, super neglected.

housework, by far the most neglected.

lately it just seems like the list of things to do is longer then the hours in a day.  so instead of being productive by just trying to do what i can each day, i sort of gave up for awhile.  i got a part time job working over night at a nursing home.  love the job itself, hate the hours.  i just want to sleep all day every day that i'm not at work.  because i haven't seemed to master sleeping during the day though, i instead toss and turn for three hours before i give up.  then i try watching movies or tv in bed.  nothing.  of course because i tend to go 24-36 hours at a time without sleeping, i'm crabby like a bear.  my attention span is non-existant and i can't concentrate to do homework.  of course i'm working weekends which means i don't have time to go home and see my family.  it'll be almost 2 months until we see them again.  even longer until we see friends.  it's horrible.  i hate all the aftermath and results of the job, but i like the job.  being a nurse, i'll probably be working like this forever.  nights, weekends, holidays... it comes with the teratory.  i just wonder if i can make a life like this. 

on a positive note mr wonderful just makes himself even more wonderful during these times.  he's amazing.  at night when he gets home from work sometimes i just look at him and feel like my heart will burst.  i love him that much.  it's been almost 2 years since our first "date".  well we really just hang out for the first couple "dates" but still.  you know what i mean.  anyway, in 2 years, i can honestly say my love for him has only gotten stronger.  i'm ready for phase two with mr wonderful. 

ok enough whining and blabbing i need to do homework for real.  wish me luck, i'll need it.

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