Monday, April 5, 2010

I've become THAT lady.

the one that stands behind kids in lines and makes crazy faces.

the one that creeps you out in church because she's making your child laugh.

the one that looks at your kids and starts tearing up, for no aparent reason.

the one that high fives perfect strangers under the age of five.

yea, i did all of those things in the last 24 hours. 

my maternal instincts sometimes takes over and i realize i want nothing more then to spend forever with mr.wonderful raising his beautiful children.  sometimes it breaks my heart to have to wait.  sometimes it breaks my heart to think i might never get to look at those crazy ladies and tell them to leave my child alone.

but then i realize, i'll never yell at the crazy ladies or give them the stare down because i'll know how they are feeling. 

i'll know.

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