Tuesday, December 4, 2007

it's snowing... but i think the snow is going up, not down. weird.

i have a burning desire right now to do nothing. nothing. tonight i have to coach a basketball game and i'm excited for it but it i didn't leave this chair then the real world can't happen to me so i think doing nothing is the best option.

no possibility of losing the game
no accidents on the way home
no dirty dishes waiting
no dirty laundry
no cold air burning my lungs

but also, no chance to win, no chance to hear my favorite song on the radio, no chance to eat something homemade and yummy, no warm clothes, no playing in the snow.

i don't want to face all the bad but without facing the bad, i'll never feel the good. hmm is the trade off worth it? like that saying, it's better to have loved and lost to have never loved at all. is it really better? i don't know anymore...

i hate seeing people i care about hurt. expecially when it's my fault.

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