Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I just wanted to look at this picture and see if it helps make me feel better.... This past weekend we threw my little sister (green shirt) a bridal shower. Here is a pic of me, Alex (my neice), my little sister Jamie, and my oldest sister Jenn. The shower was fun and she got lots of nice things. I suck at life though...
here comes the pitty me portion of the program... continue at your own risk. I don't have any money so i said i'd cook some quiche to help with my part. (I also came up with the game we played which i enjoyed and everyone else hated - name that tune... songs with the word love in the title... i thought it was fun.) anyway... so we decided we'd cook the quiche at the fire station where the shower was being held so that it was fresh. well the oven was broke so my quiche didn't even get served. i pretty much didn't do anything for my little sister's bridal shower. and i'm the maid of honor. i'm a crappy maid of honor. i wish she would never have asked me. i screw up everything i touch.
and the real reason for my pitty party. i'm trying to go back to school. it's been nothing but headache after headache. i just want to die right now. i am seriously feeling so crappy my heart feels like it's going to come out my throat. i'm trying to schedule things and nothing is working out. i have to take my cna class this summer and get registered. But once I get registered I have to work in a position that requires it or get into the nursing program within 6 months. i'm not so sure that's going to work because even though I only have 5 classes to take before I'm into the nursing program, four of those classes can't be taken at the same time. Spread that out, it's almost two years before I can even get into the program! I'm so frustrated and I just want to scream but I'm trying to stay calm. It's really not working all that well but I'm trying, I'm really, really trying!

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