Friday, April 3, 2009

This past weekend I went home and had a blast. I saw my old friend, Shelly. I missed her lots and it was great to see her and her little guy. Carson was ADORABLE and he had the cutest little Puma shoes and I just loved his rosy cheeks. He was such a happy little duder. We took him to Target and I was that "cool aunt" that lets you get away with anything. We just ran the store and played with everything. He was getting REALLY sleeping by the time we left and I heard rumor he was out like a light!

Then I went with my little sister and her fiance to dinner and the bowling alley in our hometown. It was great to spend time with them. In fact, it was the first time that we had ever hung out, just the four of us. So I'm glad they were up for it.

Here is my sister and her fiance around bar time... it was a long but SUPER FUN night.

And here is Scott and I... I LOVE THIS GUY! I hate though that whenever I have my hair pulled back that it always looks sweaty and greasy in pictures. I wasn't either of those things.
Then we had "after bar" at my parents. It was hilarious. We were exactly quiet. My friend, Amanda, joined us and we played Mario Kart on Wii for awhile and had a couple more drinks. It was so much fun.
Here is Scott wishing he could just go to bed.

Then Sunday we had a bridal shower for Jamie with her fiance's family. It was a cute shower. We are throwing her one for our family in two or three weeks. I should probably get stuff ready and done for that but you know... it's a lot of pressure to make things just right for my little sister. I've messed up enough of her life already and I just want this one thing to be perfect for her.
Here is Jamie opening gifts...

I was able to spend some time this week with my cousin and her two kids, ages 13 and 10. It was so great to see them. I love those guys. We played Mario Kart and Guitar Hero Band all night. They were on spring break so we did the cool thing and stayed up late.... then all took naps the next day.
Next week my niece and nephews MAY be coming to stay with us. We want to take them to the indoor water park, a movie, bowling, the children's museum. I want to cook with them and make crafts and play wii. I hope they can come.
Other then that... just getting REALLY excited for school. I can't wait to just be done and start working as a nurse. I dream about it, literally. I just want to make a difference and I want to help people and feel needed again. Mr Wonderful is the most supportive and optimistic person I know. He's already making plans for dinners he can cook while I'm in school to help take pressure off me. He's already planning how we'll celebrate once I'm graduated. He's amazing. I know I've said it before but I don't think I'll ever say it enough.

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