Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July we had a wedding! It was a BLAST. Scott's cousin got married. It was BEAUTIFUL. It was outside right on the edge of a lake and the weather was wonderful and everyone looked so happy and in love. It was awesome. The reception was great. Good food, good music, and lots of beer.

Here's Mike and I tearing up the dance floor. (Mike is Scott's sister, Sarah's fiance)
For some reason our table was full of empty beer bottles. I just don't get it. Here's Scott, he was very proud of our "accomplishment".
Here's his sister Sarah and I dancing. Not sure why I look like a duck but I'm pretty sure this was all Michael Jackson folks!
I even danced to Beat It! with his dad!!!

I realized as I was uploading this is the only picture I got of the two of us. Darn. He was looking good though, that's for sure. I love this man. I think we may even have one of these of our own someday. A wedding I mean. It won't be a wedding like this... but we'll have one our own way.
I think.
It's possible.

His other sister still hates me. She didn't sit at the same table as us at dinner. She didn't talk to either of us. She kept her son away from us. She hates me. It sucks. It really does. I know she doesn't like Scott and I together. She felt I persuade him. She felt that I was going to break his heart. She felt that I used her to get to him. All of this is so far from the truth but after a year and a half, I can't defend myself anymore. She doesn't, and won't ever, understand that Scott and I didn't want to fall in love. We didn't want things to turn out the way they did. We hoped that by being friends we would be able to have each other in our lives and find happiness and just enjoy each other. But we did fall in love. I can't imagine where I'd be without him. I hate the wedge this has put between his family. Between him and I at times. Between his sister and her husband, who is/was friends with both Scott and I. Between our mutual friends. I hate it. I understand now that she's never going to forgive me for whatever it is she thinks I did wrong. There is probably more. There is probably something huge. But I promise you I don't understand it and I can't ever fix it because we haven't talked in over a year. Not more then maybe 5 words total. Yea. I just hope that someday she can be mad at me, and not let it affect everyone else. That she can sit at the table and eat dinner with us. That she can allow Scott and I to be a part of her sons life.
Will see come to our wedding? Will she see our children? Will her son be allowed to see our play with our children? Will her husband ever be allowed to be our friend again?
I wonder. Everyday. I wish I knew.

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