Friday, January 23, 2009

Good morning... almost afternoon.

I have been busy this morning dreaming. No really, that's what I've been doing. I've been sitting at the computer thinking about what I want my life to be in 5 years. Where I want to live, what I want to be doing, etc etc. I think it's important to do once in awhile... especially when you're in a slump.

So anyway... I've been at the computer just looking at stuff online. Percy, the cat, thinks she needs to be with me about 75% of the day. She follows me around like a dog most of the time. I throw her off the computer desk (ok more like gently set her down) probably once every 10-15 mins. So finally I put her favorite blanket ON the computer desk. Perfect solution. Now instead of having to try to see around her when she's chasing the mouse of following the words go across the screen, she lays downs.
And eventually the sound of the keys and the clicking of the mouse lulls her to sleep.
Oh and since I posted earlier this week about my birthday... here's a picture of Scott and I when we were out to dinner. He's so gosh darn cute I just want to eat him up. Well not really because then he wouldn't be here anymore but I really do love him a lot. Sometimes more then I think I should but I'm gonna just keep on letting myself do it. He's worth it.

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