Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another Bachelorette Party

These are my bestest college friends ever. Molly - I went to her bachelorette and wedding earlier this year - and Alicia. Molly lives in Northern MN - about 8 hours away and Alicia lives in a suburb of Chicago about 3 hours away. We try to get together regularly but it doesn't always work. We sure like to make up for lost time though when we do finally meet up.
This was us ready to go out and take on the town. Heck, we were ready to take on the world.

This is us wasted, sweaty, and exhausted at like 2am. Little did we know, it was Daylight Savings time and we got an extra hour of bar time! Just what we needed. Next to me in the picture is Katie, she also went to college with us but her and Alicia got close after Molly and I transferred out. She was way fun... wish we knew her while we were there!

Here is a big part of the group. This is still early in the night we can all still stand up. Except with my legs bent like that I look like I need to make a mad dash to the bathroom!

And here are Alicia and Katie getting ready for bed. We raided the vending machine as well as the continental breakfast bar. There were no pizza places open at 3:30am and we were hungry. Thanks to the most friendliest hotel lady ever who let us eat her bagels and peanut butter.
Gosh that was a good weekend.

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