Sunday, February 15, 2009

How well I know him...
In honor of Valentines Day, I bring you..
How well do I know my Boyfriend?
1. Your boyfriend is sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?

ESPN, College Basketball, College Football, Scrubs, 90210, Discovery Channel, Destroyed in 60 Seconds... he's a tv junkie.

2. Who takes longer showers, you or him?
Definitely him... the man wastes water like no one else I've ever met.

3. What is one food your boyfriend doesn't like?
Carrots. However, since I'm the cook I try to chop them real small and hide them in things

4. What would your boyfriend say is the first thing that caught his eye about you?
He has admitted more then once that the first time he looked twice was after having a long conversation with me about my love for the Tarheels. I was married though so he never thought it was worth his time to look.

5. Where did he go to high school?
Columbus High School Columbus, Wisconsin and his graduating class was 90 some people

6. What is his shoe size?

7. If he was to collect something, what would it be?
Baseball caps, "free" tshirts, and Wisconsin Badgers anything. He owns boxes of hats. I've made him get rid of three large boxes of tshirts since moving in. He has an entire room in the house designated "The Badger Room." His dream is to someday have a family room decorated Badgers complete with a separate toilet with a Golden Gopher decal IN it so he can crap on the Gophers. I kid you not.

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
He's really not a picky eater so it depends where we are... he likes steak subs from subway, taco sub from fatzos, chicken from cousins. he eats a sandwich everyday for work though and it's usually ham, Famous Sauce - a combo of mayo and mustard, two slices of cheese.

9. How does he take his coffee?
He doesn't like coffee but he'll drink French Vanilla Cappuccino. He prefers Vanilla Steamers.

10. What is his favorite cereal?
I don't know this because I've never, in a year, seen him eat cereal. He loves scrambled eggs with salsa and breakfast burritos though.

11. Where did he go to college?
He started at Concordia University in Mequon but got asked to leave because of grades so he went to MATC in Madison for a semester. Transferred back and got asked to leave again. Went to Waukesha Tech for a couple semesters and got an associates degree then went BACK to Concordia where he finally got his bachelors degree after 7 years.

12. What is his favorite sports team?
Hands down the Wisconsin Badgers. He's got season tickets to football and we watch every basketball game on tv.

This is us at a football game this year... I made it to four this year, he didn't miss one.

This is him and my nephew at the Badger Basketball game we went to this year.

13. Where was your first date?
He took me to the Skybox (a sports pub in Sheboygan) and then we went to the Hopps Haven (a bar that is always a small micro brew) and then to the TippO Too (a hick bar that has since become one of our favorite places to hang out)

14. What is something I do that he wishes I wouldn't?
Cry a lot. :) He's really a very easy going person and I don't think he pays much attention to other people's "habits"

15. What is his heritage?
German is a huge part of it and he said his grandma used to speak German more then English. Every once and awhile his mom says stuff in German too, it's fun.

16. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind is it?
Chocolate chocolate chocolate... however, I don't bake. Scott LOVES desserts and sweets.

17. What could he spend hours doing?
Playing Wii - Mario Kart, Guitar Hero - drums or guitar, Mario Party 8.

Playing PS3- EA College Football, Madden games, Hot Shots Golf

Watching tv- sports 75% of the time and sitcoms the rest of the time

This was from one night we went on a wii bender and played for like 13 hours straight or something... just the two of us.

18. What is one unique talent he has?
I was surprised by this but he has rhythm. He's never been in a band or anything (well except high school band 15 years ago) and he can play a drum. Not just on wii but like to tap along to things... i love it. He's actually rather musical but he'll never admit it. He can sing too.

19. Where is his favorite place he has traveled?
this is hard because we've never travelled together but he loves Arizona and he's been to Hawaii so I'd guess one of those two places. Except that he went to Arizona with his ex-girlfriend so that part makes me not like that trip so much. I'm a little jealous. :)

20. What is a clothing item he would never wear?
Skinny jeans.

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