Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I should start with a disclaimer. I love cheese. Continue reading at your own risk.

I love cheese. Shredded cheese, cheese slices, cheese crumble, cheese spread. I like cheese on sandwiches, on salads, on pasta... whatever you can put cheese on, I probably like it. I LOVE feta, blue cheese, and pepper jack.

but my all time favorite cheese is this stuff. i like this stuff because it goes on so many tasty treats. my family has been eating this stuff for as long as i can remember. we eat it on soft pretzels, nacho Doritos (i told you i like cheese), tortilla chips, hot dogs, burgers, tacos... oh my gosh i'm getting all bound up just thinking about it.

for the last year or so my mom couldn't find the cheese. her local grocery store doesn't sell it anymore. the bigger grocery stores around don't sell it. finally she threw in the towel and gave up the cheese hunt. we started experimenting with other nacho cheeses and nothing was the same. then one day my uncle found the cheese. a big chain store in madison sells the cheese. he was buying it for me, my sister, and my mom. he'd have to buy 10 cans at a time just to hold us over until his next trip. (in our defense, he didn't go to that store very often and he's single so it's not like he needs to make frequent trips to the grocery store anyway)

life was good again but when i ran out, i had to wait weeks to get home and get more cheese. then today i was at the store buying taco shells and i swear to you all the lights in the store went out except one bright shining bulb right above the cheese. there was music playing and the entire world stopped. i think i even saw an elderly man remove his hat in a sign of respect.

my local grocery store sells the cheese.

i immediately called my mom and we had a moment right there in aisle 5. well she didn't answer her phone so really i had a moment with the answering machine but i'm guessing my dad got a good chuckle out of it when he heard it.

life is good again.

i might not have a job or any money or anything that i owe but you know what, none of that matters when you have THE CHEESE.

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