Thursday, May 14, 2009

Do you remember her? She's the most precious being in all of the land. She's my Princess Savanah. She's coming to stay with me for a week. She's coming Saturday night and then she'll be here through next Thursday. I can't wait. I have a feeling after like two days I'll be ready to ship her back but for now, I'm really excited. I haven't had a dog around for over a year. I relinquished my rights over a year ago. She was my daughter, I turned my back on her, and now I get a second chance.

ok so it's really not that serious but i am excited to see her again. i hope she lets me sleep and i hope she doesn't run away. or chew on scott's shoes. those are my big concerns. oh and i hope she doesn't pee in the house. yea, that would be bad. having a dog leaves all sorts of possibilities for bad things....

we took the cat to Grandma and Grandpa's on Sunday. she has to go to the vet and get shots and we figured since the dog was going to be here anyway, she might as well go play with the worlds fattiest and laziest cats ever born. we got a report from g-ma she's doing good and is very friendly. i miss her like crazy and i can't wait for her to come home. but again, i'm also very excited to have savanah visiting.

that's it. that's all i have to say. dogs. cats. what has my life come to?

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