Friday, May 29, 2009

My baby sister got married. Here she is walking into the church... she was relaxed at least. I know it's a bad picture because it's so far away but this is the happy couple. They were both so relaxed all day it was awesome.
haha... this picture is my favorite. We took the bus bar hopping before the reception and we were playing the Crocodile, Crocodile... game but we couldn't remember the words so we just slapped each other and then yelled and laughed a lot. It was a good time.

Here is my entire family including Mr Wonderful. No really, he is wonderful. All day he told me how much fun he was having and how he loves my family and then all night he told me how happy he was to be there with me. He's pretty much the greatest thing ever.
My family is funny. The youngest is the tallest and the oldest is the shortest but the shortests' husband is the tallest. so basically my oldest sister's family is the extremes. oh but those kids of hers... THEY are cute!

i was a sweaty mess but here is a picture of us dancing. doesn't he just look happy?? i thought so too.

on a wedding side note... i've started to think that maybe marriage itself isn't all that bad. i feel like it changes things and there is no way around that but i think those same things change after 5 or 6 years anyway. i'm sure a spark will sizzle out from time to time but i know there will be more sparks. i don't like to say this because i don't regret my first marriage, but i wish i had known then what i know now. i may never have gotten married. then again i'm a pretty stubburn person and i don't like to be told what to do so i probably would have gone through with it anyway. and i did love him, just not the way i should have.
i wish i knew how good it feels to be completely yourself and know that you're loved. to look at someone and just get them. i may not know what he wanted to be when he was little... it was a truck driver or a farmer for the record... but i do know that he loves the badgers and brewers more then any professional football team. i know he likes desserts more then any meal. i know how he likes to be kissed and how he likes to have his arms around me when he sleeps. i know back scratches can get him to do almost anything and that he won't use a clippers to clip his finger nails. i know that when he looks at me and smiles he means it and that his kisses are genuine. i love how he lets me make desicions and always includes me input when he's making them. i love how he knows what bugs me so he avoids it if possible. how he kisses my forhead with the exact right amount of pressure and how his eyes sink when i get sick. i love everything about him.
i think i might be ok with marrying this man. shhh... don't tell anyone though. :)

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