Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last weekend I had a bridal shower followed by a bachelorette party for my friend Stephanie. Stephanie and I met when I lived with her fiance. He was dating another girl whom i was NOT a fan of. So when Steph drunkenly confessed her love for him I decided it was time to work my magic. And that I did. I blatantly told AJ... it's Steph or nothing. And he listened. Above is are pictures of the bridesmaids and the bride-to-be. (Does that make us bridesmaids-to-be?) I know they are going to be happy. I do believe in happily ever after, remember? they have the cutest little dog named stella too... that helps keep them happy.
This is a picture of Mel & I. I hadn't seen her in awhile and she's lost some major weight. It was great to see her again... I wasn't so excited about it going into the night (her and I haven't always seen eye to eye) but I realized like all things, she's changed over time. Maybe we can be friends again? I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to check it out a little bit. She has such a big heart. I think a big reason her and I never got along all that well was because she's always been so much more grown up then me. I'm a little bit on the immature side of life. ok a lot of bit.

I think something I'm realizing is that friends change and evolve. Sure, there are friends that will there no matter what. The ones you call when things go wrong and the ones you miss like crazy when you don't see very often. But there are also friends that just drift. Not on purpose or for any reason. And yea, you still say hi and it's always good to see them, but they aren't forever friends. I think it's important to keep forever friends close and accept that other friends might drift away.
um I think the only way to describe this picture is trashed. This was only moments before I lost my dinner. Yea, i think the last time I made it to that point was about 5 years ago. A drunken night in college hanging out with my friend So Co. So Co and I are no longer friends. I think after Saturday... no alcohol is my friend. I'll stick to beer. That at least makes me feel full before I lose things, like my dinner. Oh and funny story... so I guess I was laying on the sidewalk (shortly before this picture I think) talking to Mr Wonderful and I was being very dirty. lol I laughed really hard when he told me the story the next morning. And speaking of the next morning, I got up at the hotel at around 6:30 STARVING. There were about 9 or 10 people sleeping so I snuck out to get McDonalds and then drove the 45 mins home. When I got home around 8ish... guess who was in my shower. Mr Wonderful. I love him. It was such a nice way to finish off a great weekend. Granted I slept away most of the day, it was still amazing that every time I opened my eyes, I got to see him. He makes me happy.
And this my friends is why I lost my dinner. I may or may not, depending who you ask, drank about 3 or 4 of these... they aren't small and they tasted like pure alcohol. BAD IDEA but lots of fun!!!
Just another fun picture of the night. I was still semi-sober at this point. It was at this bar that I yelled repeatedly at a bachelor from a bachelor party we met because he was getting married on Oct 4th, the day the badgers play Ohio state. who plans a wedding for football season anyway??!?!?!?
gosh that was a fun night.

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