Monday, December 31, 2007

Little kids in my life...

So recently I've gotten this uncontrollable urge to have a baby. It just seems like a good idea for soem reason. Look at the kids in my life... no wonder I want one!

This is Savanah and my neice, Gracie, having a snack together. Gracie is almost 2 and enjoying an oreo cakster... this was before I gave her Pringles, diet Mt. Dew, and a cookie. Gosh her mother must love me.

Tanne is in love with my dog... no really he makes out with her. He got to spend the night and just thought it was the coolest thing in the world he got to sleep with savanah. Little does he know, that's because he's covered up with her favorite blanket. I might have planned it that way.
This is probably the best picture I've got of Tanner awake, with the dog. Usually they are wrestling or chasing each other. Savanah is getting good at making Tanner leave her alone though . She'll play for awhile and then she plays dead, he gets bored easily.


This was Savanah's xmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa... a blankie with her name on it. She loves to sleep on blankets and she also enjoys being covered up so this was perfect. She loves it.
For Christmas Alex (with my help) made No-Sew blankets for everyone. Here is Joey and Jamie's... (She's trying to hide her pj's!)
I guess blankets were the theme this year!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

merry new christmas year

i dislike that christmas and new years are so close together. it seems to take away from each other.

christmas was good. low key for the first time ever and i loved it. christmas eve i got many new things that i loved. new clothes, gift cards, movies, home decore, you know... gift stuff. christmas morning i got more gift cards, books (AWESOME), clothes, kitcheny stuff... loved it all. then christmas day drank a 30 pack of coors by 5ish. (ok so i had some help but it was fun.) played some cards, put a puzzle together, played some dr. mario. it was a good christmas.

two days later mom jumps on me about new years. " who's coming over? what are we eating? what are we drinking? what do i need to do? what are you going to do? " ahhhhh i don't know. tradition is to play games, drink, eat and hang out with the fam. i love it. one year i broke tradition and went off and got married but even that worked out rather fun. for some reason i have never got into the friends, dressing up, spending lots of money just to get so drunk i puke on my new dress, look like crap by 11pm and end up passed out before the new year. ok so i did it once, but never again. oh and one year i "ran away" to the mn north woods and spent new year with my bestest and that was super duper fun but it was a long drive in bad weather and so i keep those trips to summer months.

so i look forward to new years. i enjoy spending time with my family... in fact i look forward to it. we play games (apples to apples; hold em; scene it, euchure, canasta, rummy, catch phrase; etc.) looks like this year we're throwing in would you rather and wheel of fortune. this year we're also opening the festivities to outsiders. the family is welcoming friends to the gathering and my mom is a little nervous i believe. this will be the first time we will let the others see us and all our craziness. of course they are mostly my friends but all of them are friends that know my family well so i think it will be ok. our family gathering of like 12 people is turning into like 30-35ish. eek.

loving it.

oh and around thanksgiving we traded in chris's truck for a trailblazer, well we're trading in the trailblazer next week. i know we get a lot of new vehicles but i've been driving the same P.O.S. car for two years so that makes up for it, right?

Monday, December 10, 2007

i forget sometimes that young kids don't know how to treat others. in coaching 9-11 year old girls, i am remembering real quick what it's like when a kid gets jealous. they do everything in their power to turn their jealousy into anger and hate. kids are so mean to one another. on the flip side, i also forget when you're 11, it's not so easy to just suck it up and work harder.

example: Sally is jealous Jane is a better basketball player. Sally says mean things about Jane to everyone else around them. Instead of Sally working harder to become better, she spends her time getting worse and not paying attention. And Jane spends her time holding back and trying to not stand out by being good, thus letting Sally win.

I am trying to teach the "Jane" on my team to work even harder and get even better and in the long run, nothing "Sally" can say or do can change who she is. i hate to see kids struggle in social settings. i hate kids like "sally" always getting to win. but how do you teach an 11 year old the ole 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' isn't just some ridiculous saying, but in fact somewhat true. they can only hurt you if you let them.

i don't want to be 11 again...

now my problem as a coach is i know this is going on but how do i solve it? do i involve parents? there are three girls that have mentioned the said "sally"'s behavior and i thought it was getting better until a tearfilly breakdown after practice. i confronted a girl for not trying in practice and she told me it was due to "sally's" comments to her friends. i feel this problem is getting out of control and i don't want to make "jane's" life miserable outside of practice, which i am thinking involving parents might do, but i also thing said parents are blind to their daughters attitude and lack of social skills.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

it's snowing... but i think the snow is going up, not down. weird.

i have a burning desire right now to do nothing. nothing. tonight i have to coach a basketball game and i'm excited for it but it i didn't leave this chair then the real world can't happen to me so i think doing nothing is the best option.

no possibility of losing the game
no accidents on the way home
no dirty dishes waiting
no dirty laundry
no cold air burning my lungs

but also, no chance to win, no chance to hear my favorite song on the radio, no chance to eat something homemade and yummy, no warm clothes, no playing in the snow.

i don't want to face all the bad but without facing the bad, i'll never feel the good. hmm is the trade off worth it? like that saying, it's better to have loved and lost to have never loved at all. is it really better? i don't know anymore...

i hate seeing people i care about hurt. expecially when it's my fault.

Monday, December 3, 2007

savanah banana

this is the only baby i'll probably ever have. love her
pretty bored today. i don't mind my job but my attention span is non existent. it's jumping all over the place. where it should be is seldom somewhere it stops. my mind is on dr.mario cuddling root beer hugs rice krispie treats road trips pringles toll booths. ha ha ha that makes me smile.

do you think we are supposed to stand by and watch our life happen or do you think we're really active participants? i mean how many times do people say life isn't fair. is it supposed to be fair? let's be honest, i don't like life sometimes. i bet you don't either. but since people aren't honest usually, just keep doing what you're doing. watch life pass. but then in the end get ready to be miserable. sure it's not always miserable there are times you'll laugh and be happy but in the back of your mind you'll be waiting for it to end because you know it won't last.

i want dr mario and cuddling today. worry about the rest later.

the things that run through my head aren't always healthy or normal but then again... i've never pretended to be either.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

well, this weekend was full of ups and downs.

downs first...
my great aunt passed away after living 92 years. she was old but she was extremely healthy and she wouldn't give up. she caught pneumonia and it was just too much for her. my mom and her were VERY close and it'll be very hard on my mom, but we also understand she lived a good life and was suffering the last month of her life. it's for the better in the long run.

lost our basketball game... more to come on that in the ups

thursday (sort of the weekend) we were headed to the hospital to see my aunt and my dog ran away while i was waiting for my parents to come pick me up. a deer scared her in the woods and she came running home. it was funny but made me late. then we hit a deer while driving to the hospital and my mom's van is wrecked pretty bad.

i learned how to curl! yea, i know, i'm not 50 i shouldn't be curling yet but there were a lot of young people there... in face we almost lost to a team of 12 year olds. no lie. we had a ton of fun though and i only took one big fall. it was a great way to spend the weekend with chris, which i don't get to do very often

another up is part of the down. while spending 16 hours at the hospital after curling all day, i got to spend time with my sisters and parents. the 5 of us don't really do all that much together. there are times jenn and her family is around but hardly at the same time jamie is around and vice versa. we're all just very busy so it was nice to slow life down a bit and spend time together as a family. it meant a lot to my parents too, i know it did.

another monday isn't really a "weekend" last night my 5th grade girls basketball team had their first game. we lost 4-22 but that wasn't the point. we learned a lot and the girls had fun and they can't wait until their next game. i can't wait until our next practice so we can talk about the stuff that happened last night. there are a lot of naturally athletic kids in this group, i hope i can give them the tools to build their confidence.

my dad is closing on the sale of my grandpa's house today. my grandpa died a year ago in Aug and his house has been for sale since Feb with my dad footing the bill. he's been paying the mortgage, insurance, all the upkeep, utilities, etc on the house for over a year and finally it's sold. the stress that will lift off my parents shoulders is incredible. absolutely incredible.

that's my life in a nut shell these days.

Friday, November 2, 2007

This is my house!

This is the "office"

Living Room

The Den

The Kitchen

these pictures are before we were completely unpacked but you get the idea, right?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

i finally have some updated pictures i wanna post and blogger hates me. please understand.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


ok, here's a quick catch up since it's been MONTHS (quite literally) since I wrote last. we're all settled in the new house. savanah loves the big yard and the woods behind us. she comes home with more scratches then i've ever seen on one dog, but she keeps going back for more. having to jump around all the retaining walls has kept her busy as well so she's been much calmer when she's inside. that's not to say she stays that way, whenever guests arrive, whether she's seen them a million times or for the first, she greets everyone with the same love and excitement.

chris is settled in with his new job. he loves his short commute. not sure if i mentioned this or not but he got a "new" truck. well a different truck awhile ago. it's big. it's a ford. and that's about all i know. i will have to take a picture or two to post. it's cute but i would have perferred an suv. he's loving being close to his parents/grandparents for hunting purposes. he got a small doe with his bow. it's earn a buck, so he had to get a dow to get a buck. i don't care for venision unless it's hot sticks or sausage so i'm fine with it if he doesn't get another. his dad and him spend lots of time "fixing" things that probably dont' need to be fixed. his mom has turned into our personal gardener and i'm loving that part of them being so close!

my life is crazy right now. i joined the rio athletic booster club. i'm the treasurer. i love it. i love crunching numbers and making reports and being able to help out whenever i can. we were a part of the homecoming parade this year which was fun. i love to see how excited kids get over candy. it's just sugar but even kids know the fun sugar can bring! the rio football team just completed the best season in rio history. no lie. they were the first ever team to win a play off game. they were taken out the next round but that's not to undermine the amazing efforts those boys put in. off to college for most of them, next year will be a struggle again. however... i hope they are proud of themselves. i am coaching again! FINALLY!!!!! i've missed being a part of basketball while we lived in janesville. i'm coaching 4th and 5th grade girls. they challenge me each and every practice. sometimes i come home and i want to cry and other nights i come home beaming with pride. i love to see them when they finally get something i've been saying. you can see the light bulb pop on and they finally get it. its' the most amazing feeling as a coach.

other then that we're just busy. we LOVE being close to friends again. in fact we have 7 weddings next year! chris and i will be a part of most of them which is both good and bad. we're very excited to celebrate with our friends and family but gosh that's adding up quick. they are pretty spread out though so that's good. we don't have to take out second jobs, well not yet anyway. i'm still waiting to hear the good news that my little sister is getting married... i'm hoping it'll be soon!!!

a couple weeks ago i went on a field trip with my nephew ryan to the apple orchard and crane foundation. spending the day with him was great. it almost made me which i had kids!!! this weekend Alex, my 11 year old neice, Ryan my nephew who is 7 and Tanner my nephew that is 3 will all be spending the night! i can't wait... i love them. we always end up cooking something and making lots of messes. sunday night i'm sure i'll be busy cleaning house but that's ok. it's so worth it.

well i should get back to work... thanks for letting me remind myself how happy i am we're back. back in R-10.

Friday, August 17, 2007

i hate technology

so we finally got a home email account and of course... i messed it up some how. i tried to send our family our new address, email, and phone number along with 4 pictures of the new house and bam! it goes crazy. it sent the email 56 times. the same email. i did not hit send 56 times i swear to god. then what it sent made no sense... i don't get it. i hate computers.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

sick of being sick

since we got back from nc i've been sick. sort of on and off for three weeks now. it sucks. i feel ok for a couple hours then i get a pain in my side, feel like i could vomit, and often get light headed. not always does it all come at once and sometimes it lasts hours other times just mins. well it's annoying the heck out of me so i went to the doctor today. she had no idea what was wrong. mentioned my gall bladder and ovaries and said she wants to run more tests. and no, i'm not prego. so i go in thursday for 4 hours of "tests". i can hardly wait to sit in a hospital for 4 hours while people poke at me and ask me the same questions over and over again.

i was supposed to be going to ikea on thursday but nooooo i get to go to the hospital instead. i can hardly wait.

Monday, August 6, 2007

New House

we got all moved in this weekend. our stuff is in the new house. granted my mom seems to keep finding things we left behind, but for the most part, it's all there. we're not completely unpacked, but for the most part, things are good. i love the new house. it's so homey. it's got lots of rooms, no more open floor plan. i always thought i liked the open floor plan but now that i have it the other way, i like it this way, too. we have three bedrooms (last house had 4) but there is room for an office in the "living room" area so that's good. plus there is a 2nd "den" area that we're using at chris's living room. his video games and a smaller couch are out there. it's probably my favorite room in the house but he claimed it so i guess... i'll let him have it. i'll try to post some pictures when i get them loaded. i'm waiting to take pics of some of the rooms until they get completely unpacked. the living room has all the boxes of the stuff i don't know where to put. there is a spare bedroom with similar stuff in it. there is a lot more wall space so i'm excited for the Warren's Cranberry Festival to do some major shopping! i also have a day off work to go to ikea aug 16th to get some things there.

i think the move has by far been hardest on savanah. she's not sure what's hers and what's not and where she should lay down and what couches she can sleep on and which she can't get caught on. we've pretty much given up keeping her off furniture but we try to lay blankets down for her. she misses grandma A LOT! my mom does in home child care so when we were living there savanah got to play a lot and was seldom in her kennel at all. now we're gone all day and we don't have the place doggy-proofed yet so she has to stay in from 7:45-5:15 everyday. poor girl. we might take her to mom's a couple days a week... doggie daycare!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Funny Picture!

these are my nephews! this was after a wedding before the reception and my brother in law, husband, and sister's boyfriend were drinking beers and tossing them in the lawn to pick up later. the boys however were bored and decided they made fun musical instruments. however, this picture makes them look wasted! hilarious... i know. i promise, they didn't drink any beer!

I like this one too!

My Summer Rocks

Got back sunday from an AMAZING trip to the beach. i love north carolina. i love the ocean. i love beach houses. i love my friends. put it all together and that makes for a good time, i'm not gonna lie. this is a picture of the girls that went to the beach with me. this was the last morning we were there and it was sort of sad. i mean seriously, who knows when we'll be together again. hmmm, sad.
the last night there we decided it would be fun to go skinny dipping... or as the heaver folk of the world should call it, Chunkin Dunkin. yea, i'm fat, deal.
We had a blast though for real. i got fried the first day there but it went away quickly and i was able to hide under umbrellas on the beach and still read lots. i took lots of naps. drank a few beers (some how stayed semi-sober the whole week though and not once did i get drunk... amazing.) the girls were extremely entertaining and made me laugh lots, just as i had hoped for.

i can't believe it's over. i wanna go back!

Friday, July 13, 2007

gala garage sale

you may not know it but i was once a great actress. i acted in a short film produced by some dude in an exotic location... justin's driveway. i was 10, maybe 11. those days were great. the film was all about a garage sale. all i remember is it ended with my character putting a broken tennis racket over her husband's head and walking off stage left. or was it stage right? either way, it was up for an award, at the elementary school. we didn't win. i'm sure we lost out to some kid more popular. probably some current doctor or military man with great honor. i'm just an accountant. maybe i should have stuck to acting.

one week from today and i'll be heading south east to the great state of north carolina. (go heels) i can't wait. no one needs a vacation more then me. well at least not in my eyes right now. the drive may be tough, 18 hours in a car. eek. but there will be many laughs, many heart to hearts, and of course nibs. what's a road trip without nibs? i'm hoping to find some time this trip to get a sun burn, read 3-5 books, and laugh. a lot. there are great expectations on this trip for laughing. life in the real world is so damn serious. life on vacation best not be. it'll be fun to party with the girls one last time before they have to grow up and go to college and be real adults. well at least to appear to be real adults. pretty sure 3-4 of them will never really grow up on the inside, at least i hope not. whether they become lawyers or nurses or hell, bums on the side of the street, they'll go places. i just know it.

of course when i was 10 i thought i was going to be a great actress or an author at least. i'm 26. i'm an accountant.

does anyone read this thing? let's be honest. i feel like i can swear and write all kinds of mean things i don't mean right now because hell, no one will ever read it anyway. instead i'm going to go back to work.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


i'm at work... should be working... but i just don't wanna. it's the day before a holiday and i'd much rather be home in bed. or at the cafe eating hashbrowns with onions and cheese and maybe a ham sunrise. yum. but nope, i'm here wasting time and space even though the work is piling up. so what if my inbox is over flowing? not it. (that will forever remind me of living in whitewater... the not it rules of life.)

last night i went to a little circus deal-o in rio. it was amazing. there were cats, yes little house cats, horses, zebras, camels, llamas, and i think that was it. how exotic is a horse? i don't know but they were part of the exotic animal portion of the show. no lie. amanda and i were enjoying it more then the kids i think but that's ok. i have pictures but i haven't loaded them yet... circus pictures yet to come.

i need sleep. it's been a long weekend and it's gonna be an even longer week. yucky.

peace out.


my puppy and my sisters puppy love each other lots.

cappy, named after the brewer player dude... whom is hot... and she's cute so it works.

savanah named after well nothing but she's my dog and i love her just the same.

Friday, June 29, 2007

my week... in a nutshell

let me sum up my week...

bought a house... yippee... we'll be living in Rio- closing August 6th

chris started his last week at associated

chris found out he can transfer closer to rio then his "new" job would be

chris goes to interview on wednesday

chris worries about letting down his "new" employer and weighs the benefits of staying with his current bank and decides he'd like to take a new route after all

FRIDAY- Chris decides to take the transfer and starts MONDAY!

so now, being Friday afternoon- we're packing up and moving to my parents for a month! (Three weeks sooner then originally planned.)

My little sister got a new puppy, Cappy -named after the Brewers pitcher! She's adorable but I was looking forward to having a lazy Saturday morning with her and our dogs but now I have to spend it packing. yucky. pretty sure that doesn't sound like much fun. so we'll see... maybe we'll just move our clothes this weekend and wait for everything else. who knows.

i'm very excited for chris to be able to stay with his job and i'm also very excited to be living in rio. i wish we could move right into our new house. our house doesn't feel like ours anymore and we don't have another one yet so it sort of feels like we're homeless. savanah is starting to feel the pressure too... she's not herself at all.

well i should get something productive done... lots to do and not lots of time!

Monday, June 18, 2007


we found a house... but someone else found it first. we really liked it and put in an offer only to find out they accepted someone else's. i feel mostly bad for chris because he really liked the house and was already planning where to put the furniture. there's another house we might go look at but it's so close to the railroad tracks. it won't bother me but it might bother him. poor guy... i feel bad for him.

we're moving to a storage unit for awhile until we can find a house. living out of storage sucks already and only half our house is there.

this is going to be a long process.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What's next??

well the house is sold. i'm both glad and scared. not sure what comes next. i guess a job for my husband would be nice. then a new house. maybe the baby carriage? no that's where i draw the line. chris has some jobs in mind and an interview set up for one this friday. we move in july. i'm gonna miss target 2 mins away, food everywhere, my lil sista and joey, but most of all i'm gonna miss quiet afternoons. right now no one pops in to visit. no one really visits for that matter. i liked it for awhile then got lonely but now i think i'll miss it. you know walking around naked and stuff. can't do that when mommy and mommy in law live near by. (i've never walked around my house naked but now i wish i had.)

i hate how my husband keeps going back and forth on buying a new house. yes he wants one. no he doesn't. he wants to live in town. in the country. in rio. in portage. i just want some guidelines to start looking.

lately i've been remembering my pre-21 days. ya know, drinking in fields, sneaking alcohol. gosh that's fun. i want a camp fire to sit around and drink beer and pass out on a sleeping bag under the stars. waking up freezing and hung over. chugging a mt dew and some pepto to get home by 7 am and not get in too much trouble. then there's the talking quiet and in code when everyone knows what you're talking about but for some reason it feels ok like that. i wanna be 19 for a weekend. 1 weekend. that's all i ask.

life is ok right now. really really ok.

Monday, May 21, 2007

he's busy

so my long lost friend has been found. i guess he's been working a lot. why he couldn't pick up the phone on his way to work is beyond me. but he's sorry and he's apologetic and i'm so happy to just know he's not mad at me.

this is t n i on his birthday. weird how we met. through his ex-girlfriend. i'm happy they dated though or i never would have met my best friend. can you imagine living life without a best friend. scary. (sure my sister is my other best friend... but you know what I mean.)

so anyway... i'm glad to have finally heard from him... i feel so much better. i guess i can go to cali a little less stressed and just look forward to next week when we're going to get together (hopefully) and catch up on the last month and a half. love ya t.

some friends truly are forever.

on a lighter note... we're headed back to cali wed morning at 6:20am!! can't wait to see the fam and get a tan! (it almost rhymes...)

this is my husband chris when we were in san fran last june!

long lost friend

i had/have a friend that was my best. first person i called when things were bad or when i couldn't stop laughing at things. our sense of humor was one in the same and the sarcasm in our tone ran too deep to prevent. sometimes we'd sit up talking about nothing for hours. this friend was my everything. then one day my friend went away. i'm not sure where this friend is or what happened. i call. no call back. i email. no response. for awhile i was afraid for the worst, or what i thought would be the worst and that health was a reason for the falling-of-the-face-of-the-earth. however, i have spoken to said friend's family and nope, not the case. there has never been an explanation or anything. honestly it went from discussing march madness nightly to nothing. now i think this is the worst. well the worst for me, but not as bad for my friend. for me though i lost a part of me. i wish i was respected enough to be given an answer. "I hate you because you laugh like a hyena." way better then giving me nothing. there was a point i was so upset about the treatment that i thought even if my friend asked for forgiveness "i've been busy, sorry" i wouldn't have accepted the apologies. but now i know that all they have to do is call and it'll be over and i'll forgive and we don't even have to discuss it. there's so much we've both missed out on. march was a long time ago. i miss you so much it's like eating green peppers and let me tell you, i hate those things. but i'd eat a million to have my friend back in my life again. i need that person i know i can count on and trust and that knows all about me and doesn't judge. but i guess at some point the judgement started and i don't know how to make it stop.

please just come back.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

i forgot the stacinator is going to nc with us. how rude to forget her?! loving her... i promise.

oh my gosh and joe and jamie need to get engaged soon, i love weddings!

that's it for real this time.
oh my gosh. it's gonna be amazing. the sun, the pool, the fam. i can't wait for cali. i might die my hair blonde and start saying like after every sentence just to practice. i just wanna vay-kay. i'm me honestly. two months after cali is the big road trip to the beach with em, kate, rach, sara, belle, casey, and susan. it's gonna be amazing. fyi, i'm only bring swim suits and gym shorts and i plan on laying out all day and reading lots of books.

so yea other then the excitement of vacations my life pretty much goes like this...wake up, walk the dog, go to work. work, go home, cook, go to the gym, go to bed. yea in a nutshell that's it. how old am i?

this past weekend was a blast. i saw lots of old friends and drank too much and stayed out too late and got home well past 3am and loved every second of it. until sunday around 10 when i drug my butt outta bed. then i remembered why i choose to "grow up" just enough to know better. however, it was still a blast. i saw my fam and got to hang out with them for once instead of just seeing them for a breif second. i'm pretty lucky to have inlaws and parents that love me. dude we had HILL-billy Easter this weekend. They hid 600 easter eggs and a basket for everyone. we took 4 wheelers out to find them. yea, my inlaws are hickish but it was a blast and i loved every second of it. the top of my head is sunburnt but so worth it.

i think that's it. i'm such a random boring person but i can't help it. it's just what i do.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


whoa. life is sort of flying by right now but nothing is happening. weird feeling. we have lots to do right now but there doesn't seem to be any time. story of my life... and probably everyone else's for that matter.

sell our house
buy a new house
find chris a job
chris finish school
chris continue to do well at current job
finish basement

like honestly... how do we do all that in one day. oh wait we don't. so we just push it off one more day. when is the last day gonna be here so we can cross some things off the list?

lately i've been a little down in the dumps. i feel so horrible for chris. he struggles to get everything done and make choices to better both our futures when all he really wants to do is sleep. this week he had an exam and tried to study between housework, showings, and working full time. he's such a strong person and i don't give him the credit he deserves sometimes. but in the mix of it all, i'm feeling alittle left out. i'm overwhelmed too but i just try to keep it to myself. not very wise, i know.

oh a lighter note... i've got ideas for three of the high school graduations i'll be celebrating this year. i can't believe the nasties are growing older. i can't say growing up because we all know they'll never do that. what's the point? right? i'm so excited to see them become independent and strong girls. love them. i'm sure i'll lose touch with them over the years and some of them may never talk to me after they leave R10 but i thank them for the many laughs and memories. i can't wait to spend the week with them at the beach this summer. they probably have no idea how much they've affected my life.

thanks girls!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Weekends Rule

what a great weekend. the sun was a welcome visitor. i wish it could have stayed longer but i'll take what i can get. i spent the weekend with my hubby and my baby... she's a dog, don't worry you didn't miss anything.

my husband is pretty much a slave driver. he feels getting up early (like 7am on a saturday early) and working hard all morning means you had a successful day. i however would opt for the sleep until 8:30, lay on the couch until 10, maybe shower by noon only in time to put sweats on and get food, a successful day. this weekend though he won, and i guess his theory of life paid off. we finished yard work and house cleaning by noon. then we went to the gym where i kicked his butt in a 3 mile run and he out lifted me by many many lbs. oh well. we ate at a great (cheap) mexican restaurant and were still able to enjoy the evening with friends. over all, i guess his busy weekend worked out. however, given the choice, i'd probably still choose mine.

this was the first weekend in three months i think, that we were home to run our own schedule. i made it to ww to visit amanda and whit and lay on their recliner without the pressure of christof encouraging me to do something. gosh lazy days with good friends make marriage life seem like a lot of work. :) savanah's cabin fever is finally ending so it's great to be able to get her outside more regularly.

i guess that's my life as i know it. welcome to monday. the beginning of another busy week. gotta love the "real world".

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nothing special...

i'm pretty much just that... nothing special.

right now my husband and i are attempting to sell our house. fun. a little. it's a frustrating process and exciting all at the same time. we want people to love it and care for it as we have. i wish we could just pick it up and move it north a few miles. like 60 or so. but since we can't we are going to need to sell it and buy a new one. my advice to anyone who cares, don't let your first house be brand new. it spoils you for what's to come. nothing we look at comes close to our house. maybe it's because we've been through so much in this house. we bought it before we were married. it spent months covered in decorations, invites, and gifts for the wedding. then it was covered in gifts we recieved from the wedding from all our amazing, and not so amazing, family and friends. this house holds lots of secrets too. it knows all about our fights and jokes. it's seen us cry, laugh, and heard everything we didn't say to each other. it's full of our love and resentment for one another. weird when you really think about it. and just think... to some stranger, it's just a place to live. if only those who come to look at it knew how much we've lived while we've been here.